Why A Top Dietitian Recommends Coconut Oil for Constipation in Kids

If you’ve got a constipated kiddo, you’ll do anything you can to help them feel better. You’ve probably heard about using coconut oil for constipation, and may not be sure about why, or even how to get it into your child.

In this article, you’ll learn about coconut oil, how it can help constipation, and how to use it.

What is Coconut Oil? 

If you’ve seen a coconut, you’ve probably wondered how they get oil from that hard, brown ball. To get oil, the coconut is broken apart and the white part, called the meat, is removed and pressed. Pressing squeezes out the oil that the meat holds. 

There are two main types of coconut oil: virgin and refined. Virgin coconut oil uses the fresh meat of the coconut.

Refined coconut oil uses the dried coconut meat, called copra. To get refined coconut oil, the copra is pressed and the oil captured. The oil is then put through additional processing including chemical processes. The processing is intended to make it better for cooking at very high temperatures (above 400oF).1,2

Now that you know what coconut oil is, you may be wondering which type of coconut oil to use for constipation relief - solid or liquid?

Solid vs. Liquid Coconut Oil and Which You Should Use

You’ve probably seen coconut oil in both solid and liquid forms when shopping in the store and wondered, “What’s the difference?” Now, you want to know which you should buy to use in your kitchen and to help your little one.

Coconut oil contains primarily saturated fats, like butter. And, it has even more saturated fats than butter. That is why it is solid at room temperature. It also contains a variety of fats including long-chain fatty acids. Your body uses long-chain fatty acids for energy and to transmit some messages in your body.

Making coconut oil stay liquid at room temperature requires a long process. This process results in the removal of long-chain fatty acids and some other fats that become solid at room temperature. Liquid coconut oil is best used to put on the body, not in it.3

When working with clients, I recommend using solid, unrefined coconut oil, preferably one that is organic. Look for the words “virgin” and “unrefined” on the label. That way, you’re buying something that is less processed and contains all the fatty acids of the original coconut.

One caveat is that some children don’t like the flavor of coconut oil. Virgin, unrefined coconut oil has a stronger flavor. If your child doesn’t like the way the virgin, unrefined coconut oil tastes, you can use refined coconut oil. They’ll still get some of the benefits, without the flavor they don’t like.

Now that you know all about coconut oil, let’s talk about how coconut oil helps with constipation.

What does coconut oil do for constipation?

A lot of times when dealing with constipation, you want to soften the stool, making it easier for your child (and you) to pass. Coconut oil, however, doesn’t soften the stool — and this is OK. 

Coconut oil provides lubrication to help the stool move through the large intestine and rectum and out of the body. Have you ever had a ring get stuck on your finger? You pull and pull and can’t get it off?

What did you do? You probably added something to make the ring slip over your finger - a lubricant.

Coconut oil works in a similar way in the intestines. It lubricates the intestines and the stool and helps it move along.

You’re probably wondering how you’ll know when to use coconut oil for your child’s constipation. We’ll cover that next!

When should coconut oil be used for constipation?

If your child struggles to get stool out, adding coconut oil might be the thing that helps move it along. We all experience a day here or there when we don’t have a bowel movement. We feel uncomfortable, feel bloated, and “off”. Your child is feeling the same way when they can’t poop. 

If you notice that your child consistently skips days of having a bowel movement, adding coconut oil daily might be just the thing that helps get things moving. Also, be sure that your child drinks plenty of water. Water helps things get and stay moving. If you think one bottle of water a day is enough for your child, then this blog post will clear that up.

Now that you understand how to use coconut oil for constipation, we’ll cover how to get your child to eat it so it can help get them some relief.

How do you get your kid to eat coconut oil?

The good news is that getting coconut oil in your kid’s diet is actually pretty easy! Some people eat a little coconut oil each day straight from the jar. However, many kids just won’t go for that. Getting creative by adding it into food is the key to success for many parents.

Probably the easiest way to get coconut oil into your kiddo is to melt it into warm things. You can mix it into soups, drizzle it over pasta, even add it to hot chocolate or hot apple cider. I recommend starting with one teaspoon and slowly adding more to get to one tablespoon over a few days.

Coconut oil can also be a great addition to smoothies. You want to add it early in the blending process to be sure it gets thoroughly mixed in. If you see white chunks in the smoothie, keep blending it until they are gone. Like adding it into warm things, start with one teaspoon and work up to one tablespoon.

You can bake with coconut oil. Oatmeal Pumpkin Breakfast Cookies are a great example! You can also add it to muffins or pancakes. If a recipe calls for oil, you can substitute melted coconut oil. Just put it in the microwave for a few seconds. It melts quickly and easily.

Coconut oil has a high smoke point which means it is great for cooking. You can use it anywhere you use oil in cooking. I wouldn’t recommend using it for all your cooking, but alternating it with other oils. This gets you the benefits that each oil provides.

You can also make Poop Candy!

Poop Candy Recipe 

Poop Candy is an easy way for your child to get coconut oil and enjoy a treat. And, the best part for you is that it is SO EASY! Your child can also get in on the action.

To make Poop Candy, in a microwave-safe bowl mix equal parts of coconut oil and chocolate chips of your choice. Then, put the mixture in the microwave for 30 seconds and stir. Repeat microwaving and stirring at 30-second intervals until the mixture just comes together and is barely melted. Your child can help with measuring, mixing, and setting the microwave to get them involved.

Once the mixture has just melted, you can put it into ice cube trays, or silicone candy molds. If you want to make it even easier, spread it on a baking sheet. Place the trays, molds, or baking sheet in the freezer and freeze until it is solid. 

Once the candy is frozen solid, you can remove it from the trays or molds and put it in a freezer bag. If you use a baking tray, break it into pieces (more fun for kids!) and store the pieces in the freezer in a freezer bag.

Your child can have one to two pieces a day, depending on their needs. If the standard Poop Candy isn’t something your child will eat, we’ve got some variations for you.

Poop Candy Variations

Some kids don’t like chocolate, or you want to add in some variety. This recipe is easy to modify and make your own! For example, you can use alternatives like white chocolate instead of traditional chocolate chips.

Try mixing in an all-natural nut butter like peanut butter. It will make it a bite of chocolatey-nutty goodness.

You can also mix in cereals like Poop like a Champion, Kashi, or any other high fiber cereal or granola. The instructions would be the same to get the coconut oil and chocolate just melted. Next, mix the cereal in the amount that gives you the texture you want. (I’ve got a Facebook Live that shows you how to do it.) Then, line a baking sheet with wax paper or parchment paper to keep the candy from sticking. Drop a teaspoon to a tablespoon of mixture in little piles on the lined baking sheet. Then, put them in the freezer to harden. Once they are hard, take them off the baking sheet and store them in a freezer bag in the freezer.


Having a constipated child is no fun for them or you. Having some virgin, unrefined coconut oil and Poop Candy in your constipation-fighting arsenal will help get and keep things moving.

If you want more help in dealing with constipation in your child, we’re here to help. Just like and follow us on Facebook or on Instagram@ConstipationGurus. If you want more help, we’ve got our Poop Boot Camp that will empower you with the tools you need to help your child. Let us help put your child’s constipation struggles in the toilet, once and for all.

1Harvard School of Public Health. (2021, July 6). Coconut Oil. The Nutrition Source. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/food-features/coconut-oil/

2Shoemaker, M. S. S. (2022, January 6). Refined vs. Unrefined Coconut Oil: What’s the Difference? Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/refined-vs-unrefined-coconut-oil#production

3WebMD Editorial Contributors. (2021, April 7). What Is Fractionated Coconut Oil? WebMD. https://www.webmd.com/diet/what-is-fractionated-coconut-oil


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